May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends
I will do a dimensional survey of existing property to provide an accurate base to work from.
For larger properties I might recommend employing a surveying company.
Feasibility Study
This is the creative phase of the project where we explore your ideas. I’ll draw up options and we can discuss them together.
Each option will address the brief in a different way. I encourage a 'pick and mix' approach so we can find a design that meets all your needs.
Concept Design
This is when I develop the design and get it approved by the local authority. We will either apply for the relevant planning consent or obtain confirmation that the project proposal meets with Permitted Development rules.
It’s often a good idea to seek pre-planning advice at this early stage, but this depends on the scheme and the area.
I’m happy to say I have a high rate of planning application success and can count the refusals on one hand.
If you are planning a series of changes to your home, my approach is to break it down into manageable planning pieces. This means we can work towards a larger vision over time with a series of planning applications. We can approach each one separately, turning your thoughts of bigger and better into a reality.

Technical Design / Building Regulations
Other professionals, such as a structural engineer, will join the project at this stage. With their technical input, the scheme design can be developed for construction.
I will prepare technical drawings showing how the built elements come together and what each part is made from to obtain Building Control approval for you.
I will pull these documents together into one package. We will submit this package to Building Control for building regulation approval.
I will also send the package to contractors for pricing. I recommend obtaining three prices for comparison and can provide names of local contractors who will provide the best service for the project.
I personally undertake all of these services for my clients (RIBA work stages 1-4). At the end of this stage, I usually complete my appointment, leaving you in the capable hands of your chosen contractor.
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