Bespoke Architects

Using Bespoke Architects before purchasing a property

Using Bespoke Architects before purchasing a property

Potential new home

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had several referrals from clients looking to purchase a property and needing help to visualise it’s potential.

Often potential purchasers will view a property with an estate agent and be unsure as to whether their development dream can be realised.

These sorts of enquiries are a pleasure to be a part of and often mark the start of my journey with a new client.

I visit a property with a potential purchaser and discuss the options available in terms of extending and altering. From my years of planning experience, I point out any potential pitfalls and provide solid, constructive advice to enable the buyers to make an informed decision about moving forward with the sale.

I am fully aware that potential clients will be mindful of costs and want to invest wisely in their homes and therefore being able to obtain early advice of this nature pays dividends.

The advice I can offer is based on my knowledge of the planning system and experience with residential developments, which in turn assists with a client’s decision-making process.

This early introduction and point of discussion with a professional can be of great benefit when it comes to deciding whether to proceed with an offer or move onto a more suitable property.

The visit will be followed up with a summary letter and fee proposal in order that, if successfully appointed, we can pick this project up further down the line as and when the house sale is completed.

As you will appreciate sometimes these potential sales fall by the way as the potential it’s not great enough for the purchaser but in other cases it is my start of the it is a start for us to become part of the development journey.

If you are looking to purchase your next home, please give me a call and we can discuss how I can help you.

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